Sending Voice Messages via Facebook Messenger in android, blackberry or iPhone
To send voice message via Facebook you will need Facebook messenger for this purpose. If you haven’t already this please download Facebook messenger first which is free app for your handset or tablet.
Facebook messenger is now available for blackberry, android and iPhone.
Choose record voice and press the circle button appearing at the middle bottom. By press that button the recorder will start recording your voice. Once you have done recording your voice the recorded voice will automatically goes to the thread reply of your friend as an audio bar you just press the reply button to send that record voice to your friend.
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To send voice message via Facebook you will need Facebook messenger for this purpose. If you haven’t already this please download Facebook messenger first which is free app for your handset or tablet.
Facebook messenger is now available for blackberry, android and iPhone.
If you have installed Facebook messenger app in your handset then click on compose to create new text message.
Composing a new text message in facebook messenger
Now press the plus (+) sign appears on the right side. By click that button you will get some options to insert images, using the camera of your handset or you want to record your voice.
Here is a screenshot of what you'll find after you click to the left of the message when you the messenger App. Snapshot of an android version
The message seems to the receiver it'll look like this (iOS version shown here)
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