I hope this tricks will benefit you for your blog posts.
Step by step method to add background images in your post:
First of all:
Step #1:
Go to www.blogger.com and sign in to your account.
Step #2:
Click on create "New Post" and then Click on "Edit HTML".
Step #3:
Copy the code given below and paste it in "Edit HTML". And after pasting it type your text content which you wanna write where "Your Text Here" is written.
Copy the code given below and paste it in "Edit HTML". And after pasting it type your text content which you wanna write where "Your Text Here" is written.
<div style="background:url( Your Image
URL Address ) no-repeat;">
<br> Your Text Here <br></div>
Step #4:
Copy the address of image which you wanna add and paste the address where "Your Image URL Address" is written.
Step #5:
Now you have done, Publish your post and see the changes you've done in your background.
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