Posted by M Qasim A Siddiqui
So you went to a party and woke up to the horror of realizing that you got tagged in some horrible pictures? We say no more! It is time to take the power back from our friends and let us decide where we want to be tagged, and what tags we want to be published on our timeline. So you must be asking yourself what do I have to do to make it happen? it's simple just follow our easy tutorial below.
Once you click it you will have to choose the option called Privacy Settings from the dropdown menu
Inside the Privacy Settings menu Facebook presents various options to fine tune your profiles settings, but for this Facebook tip we will be customizing the Timeline and Tagging options only.
Once you click on the Edit Settings button, a new pop-up screen will open, showing a list of possible settings, it will look something like this:
As you can see, I marked the option we need in Red. By clicking on this option in the list, Facebook will ask you to enable or disable this setting, we want it enabled.
Now that you have this setting enabled, each time someone tags you in a picture or a post the tag will be sent for verification before it is posted on your Timeline. So no more tags on horrible party pictures or spamm posts, you control your timeline once again :)
So you went to a party and woke up to the horror of realizing that you got tagged in some horrible pictures? We say no more! It is time to take the power back from our friends and let us decide where we want to be tagged, and what tags we want to be published on our timeline. So you must be asking yourself what do I have to do to make it happen? it's simple just follow our easy tutorial below.
To begin we will need to go to the Privacy Settings of our Facebook account. The privacy menu can be accessed by clicking the white arrow pointing down near the home button in the top right area of the screen
Click on the Edit Settings button for the Timeline and Tagging options
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